A Guided Tour of Veterinary Anatomy by Dr. Ed Smallwood

Donated by: Dr. Ed Smallwood

A Guided Tour of Veterinary Anatomy by Dr. Ed Smallwood
Description: The 2010 edition of A Guided Tour of Veterinary Anatomy is a dissection manual of domestic hoofed mammals (horses, oxen, goats, sheep and pigs) and is a well-written, practical and abundantly illustrated guided tour that will “motivate students to enjoy the wonderful and exciting world of anatomy.” This edition includes a more balanced coverage of horses (head and limbs in particular) and incorporation of many new, improved, or color images. Points of major importance (such as physiology, pathology, radiology, medicine or surgery) are emphasized. A chapter on principles of radiography helps with interpretation of normal skeletal anatomy in subsequent radiographs. Instructors and veterinary students will be amply rewarded by studying these attractive pages, which are sequenced as a readily accessible dissection manual that is colorful in tone and illustration.

Item Value: $112.50

Comments/Suggestions/Problems should be directed to Steve Johnson