Betsy: Steel Cow Gallery Art Piece

Donated by: DuPont-Pioneer Betsy:  Steel Cow Gallery Art Piece

Betsy:  Steel Cow Gallery Art Piece
Description: Northeast Iowa is home to artist Valerie Miller who has developed a fascination of observing unique characteristics of individual cows. She visits the farm, finds out what the cow’s name is (or provides an appropriate name), and decides how to portray the character of “the girl”. She places her interpretations of those unique characteristics on canvas painting that is against a vivid background with an absence of location. The art pieces are meant to be fun as they provide whimsical wit that goes with the name and personality of each cow Ms. Miller paints. More information on Valerie Miller’s art work can be found at:

Item Value: $100

Comments/Suggestions/Problems should be directed to Steve Johnson